Search Results for: healthy oils

Steamed Dumplings: Manti Vegan Style

I grew up in Central Asia, where steamed dumplings were a highly revered dish, and were a fixing at almost any respectable get-together. They are called manti  (aka manty) where I come from.  However, tragically, although at that time very deliciously, they were exclusively made with ground (or chopped) animal flesh.  As Hubby was introduced to the delicious smell of … [Read more...]

Benefits of Dry Brushing Your Skin | How to Dry Brush

(image courtesy of In line with continuing our conversation on chemical free [healthy] personal care products, and as a precursor to tomorrow's post, I wanted to touch on a subject still not well known in the mainstream of our society: Dry Brushing.  I want to talk to you about What it is; Why do it [i.e. benefits to you] and How to do it.  So, … [Read more...]