I know that it is the middle of the summer, yet, I found my maca recipe inspiration in something that belongs more in the fall season. It was accidental actually. I was looking for new ways to enjoy maca and pondering on what recipe I could create to make it more palatable*, while my family was grocery shopping. Hubby, who eats almost perfectly, still enjoys occasional peanut butter. As he grabbed a container of freshly pressed peanut butter at Whole Foods, I remembered that I had a couple of butternut squashes in my fridge. An idea was born. I was going to do something that I do not normally do–I was going to use his peanut butter to make a treat for for you, my Vegalicious audience!
I sent out Hubby and Sprout to a bookstore, so I could concentrate on creative thinking, cooking, and taking images. Before long, a very decadent drink emerged out of my blender; after just a couple of sips I knew I had a winner. Since Hubby, my main taste tester, was not home, I had to do his job…which means that I owe myself an extra workout for indulging today.
*depending on the brand of maca you buy, people occasionally have a problem consuming it, due to its picuiliar taste; this is one of the reasons I prefer to use the Maca Team’s maca, which is milder and sweeter in taste.
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