I always look for inspiration when it comes to creating new recipes. Last week a group of local Body by Plants boot campers came over to my house for a brunch, each bearing a delicious plant-based dish. My taste buds danced and my imagination ran wild when they were gone. I had to recreate their delightful offerings and, if I am successful, put my spin on them. I went to work the day after our delicious gathering. My kitchen was filled with scrumptious aroma, and our stomach withe delectable, life giving foods.
Jackie, the gorgeous lady to my left, made a mouthwatering chickpea salad, a play off my Mock Tuna Salad. After she divulged her ingredients, I was able to recreate and add my twist to it. I guarantee it will be a hit at the next party you host.
If the mixture turns out a tad dry, you can add pickling juice (one tablespoon at a time), until desire consistency is achieved.
To make this salad even more fun, make cucumber bites with it. To do so:
Let me know what you think of the salad when you make it.
*NOTE: for all of my English majors, this is not a misspelling, just a play off CHICK-pea :)!
Pin this recipe, share on facebook, twitter, etc.–share it with everyone you care about. It is packed with nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
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