
The Perfect Health and Weight Loss Diet

Anyone who's ever carried a few extra pounds wants a quick solution to the their problem.  I know I did…

10 years ago

3 Day Detox | Results

How are you? It you were doing the 3 day detox, I want to know all about it! What were…

12 years ago

3 Day Detox | Day 3

The finale! Last day of the 3 Day Detox! I cannot believe how quickly the other two have gone. If…

12 years ago

3 Day Detox | Day 2

You knew I was going to ask you this, so here it goes... :) How was your Day 1 of…

12 years ago

3 Day Detox | Day 1

Happy Monday! Let the cleanse* begin! I am so excited and looking forward to the results of this 3 day…

12 years ago

3 Day Detox | Call to Action!

Hope you had a great 4th of July, if you celebrate it! I know that some of you are probably…

12 years ago

Green Smoothie Feasting | 7 Day Reset Plan

In the last couple of months, since I cut back on teaching fitness training classes, cabin fever set in and…

12 years ago

One Very Ca-Ra-Zy Picture & Green Smoothie Cleanse Update

I have been absent from blogging for a few days, but for a good reason--my niece and her hubby are…

13 years ago

Creamy Kale Green Smoothie Recipe {Cleanse Day 2}

How are you, loves? I am feeling fantastic.  I finished off day 1 of our 3-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse and…

14 years ago

Kicking it Off: 3-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse

Good morning, lovelies!  So, the day is here--we are kicking off the 3-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse.  For some of us…

14 years ago